Friday, January 31, 2020

The Benefits of Organic Food to Human Health Essay Example for Free

The Benefits of Organic Food to Human Health Essay Organic refers to the way agricultural foods is produced and processed. It is using methods and materials that are of low impact to the environment. And the primary goal is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants and people. Research published in a 2001 study showed that the current fruit and vegetables that are conventionally grown in the United States have about half the vitamin content of their counterparts in 1963. The study was based on a comparison of published USDA figures. Produced in organic farm, organic food is grown under government supervision. Therefore it is healthier for the environment which it is produce with an organic farming method that are less disruptive to the ecosystem and less dependent on chemical. . In today society, people are always in search of factors that give them an edge in maximum their health. As we all known a healthy diet and appropriate rest all has an impact on our health. Therefore there has been an overwhelming group of people that believe the benefits of organic food. Many people purchase organic food because it contains more nutrient than conventionally grown food. Its true there have been more than a hundred studies comparing the nutrient content of organic and non-organic foods. Official food composition tables, including data compiled by the US Department of Agriculture, reveal that since the 1940s the mineral levels in fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy have declined substantially in conventional foods. Combine this with longer storage, and more processing of crops and its not surprising that we may be getting fewer nutrients in our food than we were 60 years ago. The artificial fertilization associated with conventional crops produces lush growth by swelling produce with more water. On a pound-for-pound basis, organic food has more dry matter (i. e. iron). We can expect also that phytonutrients, which are antioxidants involved in the plants own defense system, will be higher in organic produce because crops rely more on their own defenses in the absence of regular applications of chemical pesticides. Evidence is emerging that confirms this expectation. Higher levels have so far been found of lycopene in organic tomatoes, polyphenols in organic potatoes and flavonols in organic apples. A recent review of the subject estimated that organic produce will tend to contain 10-50% higher phytonutrients than conventional produce. ( Mark Jeantheau,2005) Partly because of this and for other reasons too, there are higher levels of nutrients in organic produce. Research by American nutritionist Virginia Worthington has confirmed that, based on the dietary patterns, the differences can be enough to help you achieve certain nutrients that you otherwise might not get. Despite of improve a person nutrient level intake, organic food also has a lower pesticides residue. A Consumer Union report found that fresh peaches, frozen and fresh winter squash, apples, grapes, spinach, pears, and green beans had some of the highest Toxicity Index ratings. (Edward Groth III,February 1999). However conventional-food provider also claims that pesticide residues are no threat to human health. Yet consumers intuitively know this is a false assurance. In 1999, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) estimated that nationwide there were at least 10,000 to 20,000 physician-diagnosed pesticide illnesses and injuries per year in farm work. Exposure to pesticides can cause a range of ill effects in humans, from relatively mild effects such as headaches, fatigue, and nausea, to more serious effects such as cancer and neurological disorders. (U. S. General Accounting Office, GAO-01-815, Page 4, August 2001). Researchers have linked symptoms such as headaches, tremor, and lack of energy, depression, anxiety, poor memory, dermatitis, convulsions, nausea, indigestion and diarrhea with dietary intakes of pesticides. It also has claimed that women diagnosed with breast cancer are six to nine times more likely to have the pesticides DDT or hexachlorobenzene in their bloodstreams compared to women who did not have breast cancer. Organic food also has no harmful and less food additives. Antibiotics, growth promoters and other additives are added to non-organic meat during the animals life and while the meat is prepared for consumption. Normal intensive farming methods mean that animals live in overcrowded, unhealthy conditions where disease would quickly spread through the herd where antibiotics not used. Although antibiotics are still used to treat organically reared animals, the healthier living conditions of the animals mean that antibiotics are used prudently to treat specific ailments, rather than as a preventative method. Once the animal has been slaughtered and the meat is being prepared for human consumption, additives are often added to it to improve the flavour, colour or texture of the meat, or to make it stay fresh longer. (T. H. Carson,2005). Organic food producers are prohibited from using additives that research has shown may be harmful to human health, such as sulphur dioxide or artificial colourings. But as our organic meat is reared more naturally, the meat has its own natural flavour, texture and colour, and does not need any artificial enhancers! Besides that, children also need organic food the most as childrens are generally fast on developing organs, brains, and detoxification, however weak on immune systems. Children also have a large intake of food per kilo of body weight. Children may be at risk of higher exposure to the toxins found in nonorganic food because the food is often made up of condensed fruits or vegetables, potentially concentrating pesticide residues. Pesticides pose special concerns to children because of their high metabolisms and low body weights. More than 1 million children between the ages of 1 and 5 ingest at least 15 pesticides every day from fruits and vegetables. More than 600,000 of these children eat a dose of organophosphate insecticides that the federal government considers unsafe, and 61,000 eat doses that exceed benchmark levels by a factor of 10 or more. (Ranchers and Foresters,1998, pp. 1-3. ). Meanwhile, artificial colorings and preservatives in food and drink are thought to contribute to hyperactivity in pre-school children, and while many still contest this issue, a recent study in the UK found that the proportion of hyperactive children was halved when additives were removed from their diets. Many additives such as preservatives, artificial sweeteners, colorings and flavorings, MSG, hydrogenated fat, and phosphoric acid are prohibited in organic food production. As a conclusion, it is so important that the organic food benefits be made aware to the people as it offers a lot of good benefits to human health. Many people usually wonder why there are so many diseases these days. Therefore, making a commitment to organic food means making a commitment to your health. Organic food is how foods supposed to be, a valuable part of any regimen intended to maintain, improve, or restore health. Although there are many different benefits that we can get from the consumption of organic food, the most basic organic food health benefit that we get is pure, clean fruits, vegetables and other foods and a lot more healthier.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Julius Lester Essay examples -- Children Literature African American E

Julius Lester Julius Lester is an African American Jewish Professor at UMass-Amherst who writes children's books along with teaching classes in departments of Judaic Studies, History and Literature. Before Julius was a professor at UMass-Amherst; he was a graduate of Fisk University in 1960, where he began as a professional musician and singer. He then furthered his career to direct the Newport Folk Festival and then went on to host a live radio show. Presently, Julius is known as "foremost among black writers who produce their work from a position of historical strengths." Julius writes children's books to teach moral and political values. In many of his books, he uses African American characters to relate back to the days of slavery. For example in his book; John Henry, he uses an African American character and ,makes him into a hero. The character in the book is able to break through a cave faster than a machine which symbolizes strength and courage among the African American race. In Les ter's book, How Many Spots Does A Leopard Have?, he uses n...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Community behavior Essay

African American spirituality has woven collectively the best of African Anglo cultures to creatively shape their own African American identity. While black peoples have not been socially, politically or economically free in the history, the practice of spirituality has facilitated the development of different forms of cultural and spiritual freedom by interpreting, transcending and embracing, the constraints of an oppressive culture. Furthermore, the development of their own beliefs, norms, forms, practices, and structures has given rise to a culture and life that is a distinctive form of human survival, existence, and, freedom most importantly. The black churches as the centers of freedom influenced the praxis of African-American spirituality. They have become safe places where blacks gathered to embrace their combined concerns as a community of faith. They have been the only institutions in the African American experience that has continued relative independence from the domesticating influence of white pressure and overlords. Some black churches consider may be the last place to see integration due to the need to maintain a power base not available to black people elsewhere. After reviewing some aspects of worship as the context for cultural and spiritual freedom, black preaching in and out sides of the black churches are one of the most powerful expressions of freedom for black people in America. The ability to produce a soul language that defines truth into systems of meaning gives power and purpose to black people. Subsequently, Black community successfully adopts and adapts the structures of the much larger culture for their own purpose this practice comes from a double consciousness or translating. African Americans translated the experience of one kind to that of another which leading them to freedom. Therefore, black people spirituality gave freedom to the spirit and mind that the external condition could not take away. The religious approach is due to a deep faith in the sacredness of life that reaffirmed a personal dignity in blacks which resulted in the practice of nonviolence and mercy. Black community determines themselves how they responded to oppression. Various forms expressing improvisation and innovation from black soul forces constituted black culture. These forms under the subtitles black music, literature, humor, folk tales, sports, art and dance; and their worship forms under the headings of prayer, shouting, healing, dancing, singing praising and instrumental music transformation, teaching and preaching. These forms express that what is true and valuable will be determined by black community itself and will subvert and defy attempts of the larger culture to discern. Churches can prove to be of great importance as it helps in providing a psychological and physical assistance to their congregants by providing treatment and prevention oriented programs in the society. A great example from the history is the Black Church that has served through decades as an informal social guider. And its effectiveness posed people to research on the formal means. Substance abuse, support, health screening and education were some of the fields where the Black Church provided its services. Individuals and churches that are associated with it hold significant importance in the history as it created a chain between informal and formal system of care that benefited the society specially those who are marginalized or underserved. These programs were encouraged by many others like lay persons, natural helpers, and religious leaders. As far as these religious leaders are concerned, they made their finding in the treatment of mental illness and they made everyone realize that paraprofessional counselors are in no way less then the professional counselors. They made their achievement in four areas of community medicine: primary care delivery, health promotion and disease prevention, community mental health and health policy. The church had great potentials. It provided and outstanding performance in collaborating with formal care systems to maximize its programs. Eng et al. helped a great deal in promoting the church’s health care programs. Such â€Å"natural helpers† have gone through a training program where they learnt how to interact with the health professionals, resource mobilization, primary self-care skills and prevention, organization of educational and services-oriented activities. Whilst the lay advisors were supposed to foster social support, they were expected to promote a healthy general well-being of people and were asked to keep a close link with the formal care system. As far as the roles of religious leaders are concerned, they are not fully described in the health care literature. In the early 1970’s, a need for psychiatrics developed in rural areas, as these individuals were recognized the more underserved population. These investigations evolved and helped in the contribution of understanding the mental health status between the urban and the rural individuals. Social, economic and geographical factors are the attributes of such rural problems. The main difficulty in the rural life of South was to separate the effects of poverty from the effects of race, color, cast etc. but after some time the solution was discovered. But later it was discovered that only 3% of the licensed psychiatrics were practicing the rural areas and the rest were gone to nowhere. Rural populations were again left to the same position as it was before. â€Å"The Black Church has no challenger as the cultural womb of the black community. Not only did it give birth to new institutions such as schools, banks, insurance companies, and low income housing, it also provided an academy and an arena for political activities, and it nurtured young talent for musical, dramatic, and artistic development† (1990, 8) The factor of race still existed between these populations no-matter if it’s urban or rural; it also greatly affected the mental healths of each individual. Many theorists believe that White American have been always against the black consumers, because they have no understanding of black’s culture, traditions, beliefs etc. But on the other hand blacks are not either interested in consuming goods or services from the Whites. They are less likely to trust White therapists and try not to interact with them in any case. Studies proved that Blacks are interested in consuming goods and seeking services from the blacks due to the understanding of same culture and traditions, it is also based on the preference of similar attitudes and racial compatibility. The research grew further and further. The research helped in understanding the need to change and acceptance of cultural and attitudinal differences and system-levels barriers. Studies proved that racial identity can be a part of success. Here racial identity means that identification of diverse racial backgrounds; it includes the basic knowledge of one’s culture and traditions. Accepting the non normative behavior of minorities can also help in dealing with societies; therapists play a big role in understanding the culture background. Lack of understanding of cultural responsiveness may result in disturbance between racial differences and help seeking environment. As compare to white blacks are more tolerant of psychological distress. They are very quick in diagnoses of schizophrenia and psychosis and control such diseases in their premature stages. Individuals, interpersonal and system-level factors promote understanding of service utilization and psychiatric morbidity. They focus on individuals because individuals predict reasonable outcomes related to services and treatment. Researchers always pick out individuals to get correct outcomes; the individual factors include race, religiosity, beliefs about mental health and copying styles. Social support, stigma and social distance are included in interpersonal level. â€Å"The Black church tradition provided an environment for reapplying already learned processes for interdependence. Embedded within the individual were past experiences, traditions, values, and norms for emotions, cognitions, and behaviors conducive to relatedness and â€Å"interpersonal ness† that reflected a collective sense of belonging with, rather than to, caring, similar others† (2001, 40) Management of mental illness is essential to the social support in rural areas. An alternative to expensive or inaccessible impatient or out patient services are neighbors or extended families. Researchers have also identified the contributions made by natural helpers in promoting positive changes to the environment. Mental illness and health care systems motivated natural helpers to provide social support to the rural black communities. A powerful indicator of poor utilization of care is Stigma that is influenced by individuals and interpersonal levels. It discourages the search for formal services but encourages the social support and informal care systems. The study says that Blacks have higher levels of tolerating psychological distress; the main reason behind this is stigma and fear of hospitalization. This sometimes results in help-seeking from specialty providers but this happens only in extreme cases. This hypothesis shows the higher emergency level among Blacks compared to Whites, Asians and Hispanics. Informal systems are fostered by fear and stigma amongst the rural Blacks. It was noticed that poorer Blacks were more likely to experience distress, physical, mental and interpersonal problems as compared to wealthier Blacks. But as compared to Whites, 15% Blacks are less likely to seek help for emotional problems than their physical or interpersonal problems. Furthermore, Blacks seek help for their financial problems but this is limited to their geographical boundaries and economic barriers. The above study has made it clear that, urban counterparts provide more social and mental services as compared to the rural churches and it also have less links with the formal system and promote the informal systems of care. We also analyzed that White churches have more links with the formal system of care than Black Churches but Black Churches provide more social and mental health service.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Should Sex Education Be Taught - 862 Words

The policy issue that I chose to write about is Sex Education in the classroom. Almost all student in the USA receive some type of sex education between the grades 7th and 12th. Sometime even as early as 4th grade. Many states now have laws that do not allow the parents to opt out of the class, regardless of how they feel about their child being taught, these things (Contemporary Education Issues | K12 Academics, 2015). While some states leave it up to the individual district to set the rules for sex education in the district. Sexual Education suggests to deliver the knowledge, standards and procedures that allow the implementation of human rights, the satisfactory enactment in our personal lives, inspire a thoughtful change in civic values, ethical attitudes, and active oppositions which arouse the personal development and social combination of pre-teenagers and teenagers, and subsequently prevent the transmission of HIV, undesirable pregnancies, and sexual violence. In general it must breakdown all the ties between stereotypes and mythologies about sexuality. The roles of government, and all the programs that have been launched, promote a good quality sexual education. They do not only teach contraception methods, but encourage the student to be educated and not be sexually active. They can provide information that can be extremely important for the future of the youth in our country. These programs are thought to promote values and handle concerns everyone shouldShow MoreRelatedShould Sex Education Be Taught?1553 Words   |  7 Pageschildren get the proper education they need so they are aware and are able to protect themselves. The way sex education should be taught is debated among parents, educators, religious groups, and society. Some people believe in abstinence only curriculum while others believe a comprehensive curriculum is more effective. Values, beliefs, and funds can affect how students are being taught. It is important that we pick a curriculum that works best for the students. Sex education can vary in what theyRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught? Essay1360 Words   |  6 Pagesaddressing sex education in my classroom. The state-mandated teaching standards promoting a biased, abstinence-only program, however, do little to communicate reliable and inclusive information about sexuality. Texas provisions and education codes relating to sex education should sustain amendments that fully address the sexual health needs of every student, regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation or sexual expression. Sex Education in Texas The topic of sex education in the UnitedRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?2918 Words   |  12 PagesCarley Siegel Position Paper Midterm 10/15/14 Sex Education in Schools Minnesota is ranked number six out of all states in teen birth rate. Minnesota is ranked number three in teen pregnancy rate. The average ages for all of these results are girls aged from fifteen to nineteen. With the most recent statics, in 2012 there were 3,295 teenage girls to give birth to a child and in 2010 there was 146 million spent on teenage childbearing. The last statistic I found was there were are 18.5 births perRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?1226 Words   |  5 PagesShould sex education be taught to young adults in school? This has been a major controversial topic for many years amongst parents, teachers, and other community members. Their biggest concern is that it teaches students that it is okay to have sex at a young age and think that the program shows them how sexual intercourse is done. Although, this is not the intent of the class, like some may think. They tend to believe that abstinence-only programs should be taught in schools. Allowing sexual edu cationRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?1124 Words   |  5 PagesSex is always a touchy subject, adolescents feel embarrassed discussing it with their parents or teacher and adults feel awkward answering questions. When people discuss being pregnant or breastfeed it’s often referred to as a natural thing, but when discussing sex it is a natural thing that a lot of adults feel uncomfortable confronting. There can be number of problems that can occur in the area of adolescent sexuality, but it is important to keep in mind majority of adolescents have healthy sexualRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?947 Words   |  4 Pagessociety is whether or not kids should receive sex education in public schools. With rates of teen pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases on the rise, it is essential that school aged adolescents receive appropriate sex education courses. Though many parents across the nation believe that it is crucial to curriculum, how much t hey should be taught and what exactly should be taught is up for dispute. Articles such as â€Å"Abstinence and Abstinence-only Education: A Review of U.S. policiesRead MoreChildren Should Be Not Taught Sex Education974 Words   |  4 Pageschildren should be not taught Sex Education. It’s a vital part of human existence and can prevent a lot of harm. However, the real question is not doing it but from whom is the adolescent hearing it from. It’s been common in the United States since the 1980’s for almost every school to offer some form of Sex education. Even as early as Elementary years. The real debate on the issue is whether or not the school system is doing it properly or even whether or not it’s their job at all. Sex educationRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?1269 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Teaching only about abstinence is like teaching ‘a driver s education course in which teachers show students grisly photos of traffic accidents but never tell them to stop at red lights or buckle their seat belts’ (Wagle). Sex education is often a hot topic of debate within the States, where high school teens often receive some form of sexual education. However, the quality of this information varies from state to state and even district to district. Although there are many different definitionsRead MoreSex Education Should Be Taught in School2204 Words   |  9 PagesSEX EDUCATION â€Å"If the Liberals law is passed, will sex education in the schools, including elementary grades, include the same portrayals of sexual activity which presently exist in heterosexual instruction? Will there be the same presentation of homosexual activity? Of course there will.†Ã‚   Stockwell Day Sex education, also known as sexuality education or sex and relationshipsRead MoreWhy Sex Education Should Be Taught Essay1247 Words   |  5 Pagesintercourse, 29 percent during anal intercourse and only 4 percent during oral sex.† Why is it that students aren’t protecting themselves against these issues? B. I am a credible source about this information because I am a college student who knows other students sex lives, not just in college but in high school too. II. Body A. Why sex education should be taught in school 1. Sex education should be taught in school for students to learn how to protect themselves against STDs and unwanted